Visit Director of Communicable Diseases Indonesia

KNCV has been fighting TB since its establishment in 1903. Over the past 120 years, the organization has acquired indispensable knowledge and experience in the field of effective TB prevention and care, resulting in pre-elimination in the Netherlands and significant contributions to global evidence generation, policy development and TB program implementation worldwide.
Our experts
KNCV governance framework and integrity
Our patroness
Partner with us
Tuberculosis is still one of the major causes of preventable death in the world and claims over 4000 lives a day, leading to over 1,5 million deaths a year.
The story of Abdurahim
The story of Fikeraddis
The story of Issayas
The story of Zarina
The story of Maxine
The story of Saanvi
Improved scientific methods and models to end TB
Stronger health systems, data driven planning
Optimized digital health solutions along the patient pathway
New Diagnostics and Laboratory Network Design
New drugs & treatment regimens
People-Centred Framework for TB Programming: Development of Optimized National Strategic Plans
Childhood TB – KNCV Benchmarking Tool for TB in Children and Adolescents
ETBE Project
Evaluation of SeroSelectTB
GeneXpert MTB/RIF Test
iDEFEAT TB Project
No More Pandemics
People-Centered Framework for TB Programming (PCF)
Triage Test for All Oral DR TB Regimen (TriAD)
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Challenge TB
Development of a comprehensive Digital Training Package
Improved TB/HIV Prevention & Care – Building Models for the Future Project
TB REACH Ethiopia
TB REACH Nigeria
TB REACH Philippines
TB REACH Tanzania
KNCV’s Technical Assistance package
Annual Report 2023 at a glance
Annual Reports from previous years
KNCV Benchmarking Tool for TB in Children and Adolescents
KNCV’s Self-assessment checklist and planning tool – KNCV – Tuberculosefonds
KNCV’s People Centered Framework (Handbook, Dashboard, Toolkit)
KNCV’s Success Stories from IMPAACT4TB – 4 countries
KNCV’s Success Stories from IMPAACT4TB – Malawi
TB Stigma Measurement Guidance
From the Inside Out – Dealing with TB-related Self-stigma and Shame
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