Kristin Kremer holds a Doctorate in Medical Science and has 30 years experience in TB epidemiology and control.
Kristin is an expert on the molecular epidemiology of TB, diagnostics, laboratory systems and coordination, TB surveys and the review and evaluation of TB projects and national TB programs.
Kristin previously worked with the WHO, where she coordinated the TB laboratory activities of the 53 Member States in the WHO European Region. At the Dutch National Institute for Public Health, Kristin managed EU projects on the molecular epidemiology of TB and the surveillance of MDR-TB in Europe.
Currently ranked 65th (6th woman) among the Top Microbiology Scientists in the Netherlands, Kristin has (co)authored more than 165 articles published in peer reviewed journals. Kristin is a member of the Netherlands Institute for Biology (NIBI) and the Dutch Society for Microbiology (NVVM), and also a member of the core group of the Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI), a Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership, hosted within the WHO.
Within KNCV, Kristin leads KNCV’s Diagnostics team researching antimicrobial drug resistance, development and implementation of new TB diagnostics and advising on the strengthening and coordination of TB laboratory networks.
Recent Publications
- Kremer K, D van Soolingen, R Frothingham, WH Haas, PWM Hermans, C Martin, P Palittapongarnpim, BB Plikaytis, LW Riley, MA Yakrus, JM Musser, and JDA van Embden. 1999. Comparison of methods based on different molecular epidemiological markers for typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains: Interlaboratory study of discriminatory power and reproducibility. J. Clin. Microbiol. 37:2607-2618.
- Kremer, K, JR Glynn, T Lillebaek, S Niemann, NE Kurepina, BN Kreiswirth, PJ Bifani, and D van Soolingen. 2004. Definition of the Beijing/W lineage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on the basis of genetic markers. J. Clin. Microbiol. 42:4040-4049.
- Kremer K, C Arnold, A Cataldi, MC Gutiérrez, WH Haas, S Panaiotov, RA Skuce, P Supply, AGM van der Zanden, and D van Soolingen. 2005. Discriminatory power and reproducibility of novel DNA typing methods for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains. J. Clin. Microbiol. 43:5628-5638.
- Smith, NH, S Berg, J Dale, A Allen, S Rodriguez, B Romero, F Matos, S Ghebremichael, C Karoui, C Donati, A da Conceicao Machado, C Mucavele, RR Kazwala, M Hilty, S Cadmus, BNR Ngandolo, M Habtamu, J Oloya, A Muller, F Milian-Suazo, O Andrievskaia, M Projahn, S Barandiarán, A Macías, B Müller, MS Zanini, CY Ikuta, CAR Rodriguez, SR Pinheiro, A Figueroa, SN Cho, N Mosavari, PC Chuang, J Zinsstag, D van Soolingen, E Costello, A Aseffa, F Proaño-Perez, F Portaels, L Rigouts, AA Cataldi, DM Collins, ML Boschiroli, RG Hewinson, JSF Neto, O Surujballi, K Tadyon, A Botelho, AM Zárraga, N Buller, R Skuce, R Jou, A Michel, A Aranaz, BY Jeon, G Källenius, S Niemann, MB Boniotti, PD van Helden, B Harris, MJ Zumárraga and K Kremer. 2011. European 1: a globally important clonal complex of Mycobacterium bovis. Infect Genet Evol. 11:1340-51. Hoeve-Bakker BJA, Jonker M, Brandenburg AH, den Reijer PM, Stelma FF, van Dam AP, van Gorkom T, Kerkhof K, Thijsen SFT, Kremer K. The performance of nine commercial serological screening assays for the diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis: a multicenter modified two-gate design study. Microbiol Spectr. 2022 Apr 27;10(2):e0051022. Epub 2022 Mar 17.2022.
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