Niesje Jansen is a Senior Nurse Consultant with a bachelor in education and 35 years experience in nursing care for TB patients, Human Resources for Health, contact investigation, cross border TB control and TB in marginalized groups.
Niesje is an expert in development and delivery of training programs for nurses, doctors and other professionals, TB policy and guideline development and implementation, and TB stigma. Niesje is currently a member of the Advisory Group for the Municipal Health Services and Regional Medical Assistance Organisations in the Netherlands (GGD GHOR), and a member of the Working Group for Educational Materials for the Dutch National Institute of Public Health and Environment (within the Dutch Ministry of Health). Niesje is also the Chair of the Nurses and Allied Professionals Subsection of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
Within KNCV, Niesje provides technical assistance to the Dutch TB Program, designs and delivers training for health care workers, advises on cross border TB control, access to care, and TB in marginalized groups, and works on stigma reduction programs. Niesje is also the Principal Investigator in a ZonMw funded project to develop an evidence-based guideline for nursing support for people with TB and TB infections in the Netherlands.
Recent publications
- Niesje Jansen-Aaldring, Anna Bakker “Is VOT de nieuwe DOT?”, Tegen de Tuberculose 2-2017, page 7-9.
- Niesje Jansen, Connie Erkens “Tuberculose door de jaren heen, van lighal naar Video Observed Therapy”, Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen, oktober 2017.
- L. Jansen-Aaldring, C.G.M. Erkens, A. de With “Netherlands. TB care for prisoner: a patient-centred and multisectoral approach”, WHO Good Practices in the prevention and care of tuberculosis and drugresistant tuberculosis in correctional facilities, page 18-20, 2018
- Gerard de Vries, Sylvia Commandeur, Connie Erkens, Walid Haddad, Niesje Jansen, Peter Kouw, Margreet Kamphorst-Roemer. Towards selective tuberculosis screening of people in prison in a low-incidence country. Eur Respir J 2019; Eur Respir J. 2020 9;55(4):1902209.
- Spruijt I, Haile DT, van den Hof S, Fiekert K, Jansen N, Jerene D, Klinkenberg E, Leimane I, Suurmond J. Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and stigma related to latent tuberculosis infection: a qualitative study among Eritreans in the Netherlands. BMC Public Health. 2020 Oct 23;20(1):1602. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09697-z. PMID: 33097021; PMCID: PMC7585221.
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