Puck Pelzer is an Infectious disease Epidemiologist specialized in TB and vaccines. As of early 2018 she provides technical support at KNCV on several international projects. Puck has extensive field research experience in Cambodia and Kyrgyzstan and is skilled in using advanced methodologies such as patient pathway analyses, mixed -methods research, and TB modelling. At KNCV she is the focal point for TB vaccines and contributed to the TB vaccine roadmap development.
Puck started her career in global health at the Department of Health Sciences at VU University (in Amsterdam) after earning her MSc degree (with distinction) here. While working as a researcher at the VU she worked on capturing the effects and potential non-specific effects of several vaccines in LIC. She still provides yearly lecture on routine vaccinations for students.
Puck has a professional membership as chair of Uniting Streams, the group for Global Health within the Dutch Society for Tropical Medicine & International Health.
Van de Berg S.E.J., Pelzer P.T., van der Land A.J., Abdrakhmanova E. et al. Acceptability, feasibility, and likelihood of stakeholders implementing the novel BPaL regimen to treat extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis patients. BMC Public Health. 2021 July 16;21:1404. Full article.