Melaku Gebremichael joined KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation in December 2016 as Monitoring and Evaluation/Operational Research Advisor for the Challenge TB project. During his work for the challenge TB project, Melaku worked with government health program experts, coordinated, led and provided technical M&E/OR support to improve TB data management at various levels of the health sector. Following his phase out of Challenge TB project, Melaku has again joined M&E unit of KNCV under the IMPAACT4TB project.
Before joining KNCV, Melaku worked in regional health bureau and Federal Ministry of Health in leading and coordinating monitoring and evaluation/health information system. In the beginning of his of career, he also provided healthcare services in rural health facility. Melaku is public health professional, specialised in biostatistics and health informatics, who has served the health sector over 9 years.
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